Tuesday 8 April 2014

5.4.14 - Arts Award Catch-up Session

We had a good planning session today and caught-up on everyone's progress towards their Arts Award Challenges.
It was good just to have chance to touch base with everyone and listen to their thoughts and ideas as the last two film processing sessions have been a bit hectic. Next time we meet we'll go to Thompson Park and everyone will have a series of mini Art Tasks to complete that involve drawing, sculpture, photography, poetry and film. The outcomes of these activities will help flesh out their Arts Award work as well as form the basis of another wonderful Undercurrents exhibition and film screening.

We finished the session by projecting all the Super 8 films they'd shot and processed and there were so many gorgeous bits of footage.
I'm really looking forward to editing the film with them!

Unfortunately we had a bit of a blip during the session as Molly realised she had misplaced her phone. So she was naturally quite upset and distracted so the session ended on a bit of a low which was a shame.

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